
At Maas Lawrence we make great contemporary architecture and design accessible for a wider audience, in handsome books and objects that are well-designed, richly illustrated, and elegantly written. Items that nurture the culture of architecture and design with new stories and histories, new ideas and images.

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Autonoom: 100% Carel Weeber

Written by Wouter Vanstiphout
Graphic design by Lisa Brustolin


softcover, 16,8 x 23 cm, 416 pages

ISBN/EAN: 978-90-832860-2-0

In this book architectural historian Wouter Vanstiphout describes Carel Weeber’s work and life, from his upbringing on Curaçao to his career as the Netherlands’ most controversial architect, including his surprisingly productive years as ‘ex-architect’. Vanstiphout offers an original analysis of Weeber’s ideas and designs, showing how personal his seemingly impersonal, ‘objective’ architecture and urbanism always have been.

In dit boek behandelt architectuurhistoricus Wouter Vanstiphout werk en leven van Carel Weeber, van zijn jeugd op Curaçao tot zijn loopbaan als Nederlands meest controversiële architect, inclusief zijn verrassend productieve bestaan als ‘ex-architect’. Vanstiphout analyseert op originele wijze de ideeën en ontwerpen van Weeber  en maakt overtuigend duidelijk hoe persoonlijk zijn ogenschijnlijk onpersoonlijke, ‘objectieve’ architectuur en stedenbouw altijd zijn geweest.



Wouter Vanstiphout

is the co-founder of Crimson Historians & Urbanists, one of the most original minds in the world of Dutch architectural culture, and one of its sharpest writers.

Graphic designers

Lisa Brustolin

is a designer in Rotterdam, working on a variety of two and three-dimensional projects: from logos to books and furniture.


Grafiche Veneziane

is a printing house located in the city centre of Venice. Working both in Italy and abroad (Europe and US) for more than 50 years, they combine the newest printing technologies with a distinctly artisan-like attention to details.


Legatoria Pavan

established as an artisan workshop, they automated processes while maintaining craftsmanship. With 45 years in the industry, they remain dedicated to quality.

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We make great contemporary architecture and design accessible for a wider audience, in handsome books that are well-designed, richly illustrated, and elegantly written. Books that nurture the culture of architecture and design with new stories and histories, new ideas and images.

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